There are currently 105 current and former superstars that have been announced for WWE 13, the largest roster for any wrestling video game in history. Among those 105; 20 superstars and divas are downloadable content, and include the current number one contender for the WWE Championship Ryback, the Saviour of the Masses Damien Sandow and the Raw General Manager AJ Lee. Furthermore, there are some great wrestlers of the Attitude Era available to purchase, like the complete stable of Too Cool, Val Venis and Brian Pillman. A great mix of superstars and divas that we want to play as, and some that haven't featured on a WWE franchise video game in over a decade. However, there are many fans that have been left clamouring for more. Even with a roster of over 100, they still pine for their favourite wrestlers of now and of the past. And it falls to me to decide the 10 extra wrestlers that should be available for download. Real legends of the business such as Phantasio, Arachnoman, Red Rooster and The Gobbledy Gooker, to name but none. However, before I list my 10, I would like to make explicitly clear that superstars that are currently blacklisted by the WWE, such as Chris Benoit, those in employment in Impact Wrestling, such as Kurt Angle, the Hardy Boyz and the Dudleys, and Owen Hart will not be mentioned beyond this point because there is absolutely no chance that they will be available for this game. I'm just as disappointed to say that as you are reading it. Hopefully, this will change for future games, even though there will be created wrestlers available. With that housekeeping out of the way, let's begin.