8. Doink
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE0CAFySImQ Forgive me for this choice. I am fully aware that I may be the only person in the world that considered putting Doink the Clown on this list. There are a number of compelling reasons why he SHOULDN'Tbe a dowloadable character. His main years in the WWE were prior the Attitude Era, the wrestler competing as Doink changed with virtually every show, his gimmick was in no way relatable to the reality of the Attitude Era, he never achieved anything in his wrestling career and he was often more annoying than funny. However, there is probably not a single wrestling fan who doesn't know who Doink the Clown is. He is famous for his ridiculous character, and was such a constant between 1992 and 1996 that they maintained the character despite the original wrestler playing him being released. Doink was part of the Wrestlemania X-7 gimmick battle royal, and got one of the biggest pops from the crowd for that match. Whenever Doink's music is played nowadays, it illicits a positive response from the crowd, and Vince McMahon could very easily bring him back for a run today and give the role to Curt Hawkins or someone like that. He's probably the only clown that has put a smile on my face, and even for that alone he merits a place on this list. Last appearance in WWE video game series: WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 (downloadable extra)
Callum Wiggins
I am a British student currently studying at the University of York, and have a passionate interest in WWE, English football (soccer) and video gaming.
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