7. War Games (WrestleWar 1991)

Sting teamed with "Flyin" Brian Pillman and The Steiners to take on the team of Ric Flair, Barry Windham, Sid Vicious, and Larry Zbyszko in this match. As was the case with every War Games match, there was plenty of physicality here, with everyone turning into brawlers to survive. Pillman was great in his role of underdog, not only being the smallest man in the match, but having an injured shoulder, as well. Sid was even better in his role of the unstoppable monster that couldn't be stopped, no matter what the faces threw at him. Flair bled buckets and tried every dirty trick in the book to get the win, as he always does. The ending came very close to being a disaster, and is what this match is most memorable for. Sid lifted Pillman up for a Powerbomb, and because the roof of the cage was so low, Pillman's head smacked against it, damn near breaking his neck. Then, Sid lifted him up for another Powerbomb, and he absolutely slams the rag doll-like Pillman into the mat, knocking him unconscious. The story goes that El Gigante was sent to the ring in an unscripted moment to throw the towel in on behalf of Pillman, preventing him from being injured further, giving the Horsemen the victory. Having something like War Games in the 2K series is something that needs to happen, and this would be a good way to include it.