WWE 2K15: 10 Reasons Why It Must Recreate The Monday Night Wars
3. It Helps Plug The New Network
The new WWE Network will feature a show called The Monday Night War. (Apparently there was only one, even though everyone else pluralizes the term. Trademark, perhaps?) Since the original Monday Night War DVD in 2004, WWE has been keeping the flame alive. For this reason alone, we should see a Monday Night War(s) video game. Plus, it would allow WWE to do what it does best: cross-promote. If I have to hear Michael Cole mention the WWE Network during my Goldberg/Gillberg match, I'll consider it a small price to pay.
Check out "The Champ" by my alter ego, Greg Forrest, in Heater #12, at http://fictionmagazines.com.
I used to do a mean Glenn Danzig impression. Now I just hang around and co-host The Workprint podcast at http://southboundcinema.com/.