WWE 2K15: 10 Ultimate Wishlist Features That Need To Happen
2. My Wrestler
Along with My Promotion comes My Wrestler, which would be strictly a creation mode for building a sports entertainer from the ground up, to quote JBL. Similar to the My Player modes in baseball or basketball games, you would begin as an unknown wrestler attempting to go up the WWE ladder. VC could earn users attributes in promo ability, in-ring skill, and heel or face talent etc, and they could send your wrestler to NXT for further development, and have training sessions at the WWE Performance centre. In the training, there could be classes taught by wrestlers on the roster - like Promo class with Dusty Rhodes, or a 5 star match class with Shawn Michaels - in which doing well could earn their friendship, and potential alliance. Conversely, struggling in the mode could bury you, and delay your call up to the main roster. It would be on the user to determine which skills will take them to the main event the fastest. For the best experience, users could be given an aging option which they could turn on or off, where they experience a prime, and begin to trade in certain skills for others as they begin to lose certain abilities or juice with the fans. This would be a great way to see what superstars go through when transitioning gimmicks.
Rich Latta II is a lifelong wrestling fan. He also writes for PWMania.com & SocialSuplex.Com....find all his links at RichLattaWrestling.com Reddit name RichLatta32 He thinks of wrestling as the 3rd Major Sport, Follow him on twitter @RichLatta32 He Runs a Podcast called @OneNationRadio (follow that too) with his buddy James Boyd, that covers WWE, Music, Sports, and Pop Culture. http://onenationradio.podbean.com/ Or Type One Nation Radio into the Podbean App
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Rich also is an aspiring hip hop artist and proud member of the #WrassleRap Community & Music Producer