WWE 2K15: Everything We Know So Far

7. It's Coming To Next Gen Consoles

Again, hardly a surprising revelation, but WWE 2K15 will launch on Next Gen consoles, which will hopefully mean a significant step up in quality. For all of its qualities and entertainment factor, WWE 2K14 was a flawed game, especially in terms of the frustrating number of glitches that were present. All in all, 2K did a remarkable job of getting the game out after taking over from THQ, but WWE 2K15 represents an opportunity to build the graphics engine and the aesthetic of the game from the ground up, tailoring it to the capabilities of the XBox One and the PS4, rather than retooling in a subsequent update. There has been a significant improvement in the look of WWE games over the years, but it definitely felt like WWE 2K14 was pushing the limits of what the XBox 360 could do, and it's incredibly exciting to think what 2K will be able to achieve without the same sort of technological limitations. We can probably expect improvements in kinetics, impact animations, textures and likenesses, and hopefully we'll be given more complex animations as the consoles take more of the strain than the previous generation were able to. One supposedly in the know gamer - HipHopGamer - has claimed that the graphics will be "CGI-quality" but that remains to be seen... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnnoNiqP25s Probably one to file in the "not convinced" folder, but his revelations do make sense.
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