WWE 2K15 Roster: 15 Overrated Wrestlers That Need Downgrading

11. Dolph Ziggler

WWE 2K14 Rating: 89WWE 2K15 Expected Rating: 83 With a rating of 89 for WWE 2K14, Dolph Ziggler was considered a main eventer by 2K's developers. His character AI and move impact were strong, he was one of the more challenging opponents on the game. You can understand why 2K programmed Ziggler in this way. In their developmental phase over the spring of last year, Ziggler was legitimately a headline star. He was taking part in main events against Alberto Del Rio and challenging for the World Title. Unfortunately, due to outspoken criticism in the media about the way he was booked, Ziggler ended up being put in the WWE dog house. He has spent much of the last 12 months either not appearing on cards or simply being used as a three minute jobber. He's probably the biggest loser on WWE television from the past year. In reflecting this, 2K15 will drop Dolph's rating to around the low eighties. He will become one of the very basic wrestling characters. In all likelihood this could be Ziggler's final game appearance; his contract expires at the end of 2014 and with his current situation he must be considering his options.
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