WWE 2K16: 10 Desired Wrestlers Who Won't Be In The Game

3. AJ Lee

Some will undoubtedly claim that AJ Lee is no longer relevant following her retirement from the ring while others will see her legacy as enough reason to include her in WWE 2K16.

She is certainly on good terms with 2K Sports if that is anything to go by. The company sent out the tweet below after she announced her retirement while Community manager for WWE Games, Marcus Stephenson, tweeted that €œshe will be missed.€


Considering that WWE 2K Game's roster is normally finalised the week after WrestleMania there is a strong chance that she could be in the game as he was still with the company then.

Then again, the ill feeling between WWE and her husband, and her own tweets to Stephanie McMahon, could have something to do with any decision not to include her in the game at all...

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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.