WWE 2K16: 10 Reasons It Must Give Divas A Chance

WWE 2K16 needs to #GiveDivasAChance.

WWE Divas have long been overlooked by WWE video game makers. Typically you get to choose from a limited roster of the ladies, with hardly any 'legend' type divas involved. As for game modes, they barely feature the girls. It is a real shame and a missed opportunity. But with WWE 2K16, there's a real chance that we might get an improved diva aspect. There's several reasons why 2K should embrace the opportunities of incorporating an improved focus on the ladies of the WWE. It shouldn't just be about having them there as a minor side game. Granted, we've came a long way from the days of the Smackdown games which merely objectified the women. Remember playing the story mode and bumping into Torrie Wilson as she got out of the shower? Or how about the teen baiting option to wrestle 'bra and panties' matches? The games haven't featured such crassness in the 2K format, but they are guilty of lacking any real substance to the female side of the game. With the momentum amongst fans calling for #GiveDivasAChance on the WWE television product, it is also about time the computer games gave the ladies a fairer portion of the action too. Let's look at the big opportunities for the divas in WWE 2K16.
WWE Writer

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