WWE 2K16: 10 Reasons It Must Give Divas A Chance

7. Female Gamers

2K should think about the people who play their games. There's a complete overlooking of the fact that many guys would actually like to play as the divas and get involved in diva related game modes. There's probably an industry stereotype that guys don't want to play as a woman, but how can that still be the industry thought after the success of Lara Croft nearly two decades ago? A diva mode would be fun and offer a new spin on the franchise. There's also the completely overlooked female gaming demographic. Plenty of girls play computer games, and other girls might be more inclined to pick up 2K16 if there's a Diva related aspect. There's no focus on a female role model in the current games, the divas who are included are just there for the sake of being there. Gearing a game mode toward female gamers, and not just the male stereotype of gamer, would be a step forward for 2K16.
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