WWE 2K16: 11 Rumours That Could Be True

9. New Counter System

Yes, you may be able to reverse a John Cena Attitude Adjustment into a Randy Orton RKO in WWE 2K16. Wow. A fan took to Twitter to WWE 2K€™s Community Manager, Marcus Stephenson, about a feature that he feels should be included in the new game. It must be noted that Stephenson's position means he can relay any feedback onto the relevant developers. So what he says has a lot of credibility to it. @Scribbily suggested that there should be a way for competing wrestlers could counter each other's finishing moves with their own finishers. He directly gave the scenario of where Orton could counter Cena€™s AA with an RKO. Here's what Stephenson replied. Pretty emphatic.
Once more, good news.
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.