WWE 2K16: 11 Rumours That Could Be True

6. There Could Be A Version Released On PC

Something Edge is likely to be over the moon about. He showed how much he loves computers in his little scuffle with the Anonymous RAW GM€™s laptop€ In a recent interview, 2K brand manager Bryce Yang claimed that his company want to put their games out on as €œmany different systems for as many different people€ as possible. He also said that the only reason they didn€™t do this with WWE 2K15 was down to €œworking against deadlines.€ This is why any judgement on WWE 2K15 must be measured. They had to build the current gen versions of the game from scratch in less than a year so more than likely had to rush certain aspects of it. On the other hand, any problems with the PS3/Xbox 360 versions have no place to hide. If you thought they were rubbish then there is no excuses. The fact that Yang was talking about branching out like this suggest that WWE and 2K have finally got the game together that we all thought we were getting last year and have the necessary time to afford luxuries like this. Positive signs.
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.