5. Suplex City - Population: One
WWE World Heavyweight Title: John Cena (c) vs. Brock Lesnar SummerSlam 2014 Lets face it; there is a rather large group of fans out there that dislike John Cena. Some would go so far as to say that they hate him. Perhaps you fit into that group, or maybe you just find it fun to watch him get beaten up, despite harbouring some respect for the man. If you find yourself relating to any of these items, then this is the match for you. Nobody went into SummerSlam thinking that they would be witness to the systematic destruction of the WWE World Champion. Many believed Cena would once again prevail. Personally, I was ready to give up on the company if Lesnar went straight from ending the streak to losing to Cena, but I think we were all shocked by what happened. Lesnar cut the ribbon, opened Suplex City to the public, and gave Cena a one-way ticket. Sixteen german suplexes later, with a couple of F-5s in there for good measure, and Brock Lesnar had just captured the gold, in arguably the most one-sided main event in WWE history. WWE 2K16 has altered Lesnars move-set to accommodate The Beasts newer, simpler arsenal, which means recreating a match like this is perfectly easy, and realistic too.
Adam O'Brien
Editor/Author of 'Under the Spotlight' for SLTD Wrestling. Games Development Student. @AdamOB_UTS on Twitter.
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