WWE 2K16: 20 Highest Rated CAWs

10. Rob Van Dam

Rating: 178 Yeahs Sooner or later 2K need to do something with ECW and that might elevate RVD back to the main roster, but until then the CAW community is the only way to add him to the game. As likenesses go, it's pretty spot on: there's a slight issue with lighting and profile, but that's definitely Van Dam's immediately recognisable face. He's not quite stocky enough, and his arms certainly aren't as big as they should be, but for a young RVD you'd be hard-pressed to find a better looking CAW.
Stats Having been officially rated at 86 in WWE 2K15 on the main roster, the ECW legend should probably have been at the same level here, but 90's not too much of an exaggeration.

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