WWE 2K16: 20 Highest Rated CAWs

7. Goldberg

Rating: 215 Yeahs Though it wouldn't quite have fit the Stone Cold Showcase, it's a shame 2K didn't include Goldberg so we could play as the special guest referee in Goldberg and Lesnar's farewell match and stunner them both for the satisfying conclusion to a deeply disappointing match. But you can at least serve out a stunner thanks to this high rated CAW of Goldberg. Let's be honest, it doesn't look anything like Goldberg: it's just a bald guy. There's no salt and pepper in his beard, his neck isn't wide enough and there's not quite enough arm and shoulder definition, but that clearly didn't put anyone off.
Stats 99 is another silly one: he should have been 92, as he was in WWE 2K14. That's already a pretty major rating, but again, fans will always seek exaggeration.

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