The latest video from 2K Dev shows former European Champion D'Lo Brown hitting his signature Frog Splash, the Lo Down, on Billy Gunn in WWE 2K16. There are three main things to take away from the short clip. First and foremost is the utter beauty of the splash. It's pitch perfect and maybe even better than the real life version of Brown did it back in the day, and he did it very, very well. The second thing was Billy's attire. This seems to be the 2001's 'The One' Billy Gunn with darker hair and plain tights, as opposed to the Badd Ass version we saw dominate the tag team scene in the company with Road Dogg. Everyone wanted to see the latter, right? The third thing to notice is the lack of D'Lo's head wobble? What a tease. Surely this is the sort of platform that showing a crucial detail off like that is for. If the Lo Down is anything to go by then we're sure that 2K will have nailed it!