WWE 2K16 Review: 5 Ups And 5 Downs You Need To Know About

3. The Break Out Feature

This is such a shame. The breakout feature is something that WWE games have been crying out for since they came into our lives. However, there's one seriously bitter aftertaste that ruins the whole thing. So you've chosen to attack your opponent on the ramp, all is going well as you layeth the smacketh down all over their candy a**. You've hit your special and your finisher and have your opponent beat before the bell has even rang. What happens next? The referee disqualifies you and you're sent to the back... WTF! The bell hasn't even sounded meaning the match hasn't began. Why has the ref felt the need to step in? Can't he just let it go till we're ready to take to the ring? Feature. Ruined.
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WWE 2K16
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Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.