WWE 2K16: 34 New Moves You Can Do

7. Ura Shouten

Right, this is going to take some explaining. You need to be standing behind your opponent and perform a grapple attack for this one. Basically (well, not really basically as this is the most complex move in the pack), your guy will hoist their opponent up as if they're going for a Braun Strowman Yokosuka Cutter like Daniel Bryan is displaying above, swing them round the front of his torso and perform a side flapjack of sorts. This is one that you really need to see to understand. It looks devastating.

6. Vertical Suplex Powerbomb

Once again, I'm struggling to think of anyone who could pull this one off. You hoist your opponent up like you're about to perform a suplex, let go so they do a back summersault in the air and catch them to perform a sit-out powerbomb...
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WWE 2K16
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.