WWE 2K16: 34 New Moves You Can Do

21. G.T.S/Penalty Kick Combo

After hitting a bog standard GTS and your opponent is groggy on their knees, your guy runs the ropes before unadulteratedly booting his adversary in the face. Starting to think this DLC should have been named the Brutal Moves Pack... Or something similar.

20. Gut Check/Sick Kick Combo

The picture above demonstrates what a Gut Check is, but do you know what a Sick Kick is? Sounds exotic, doesn't it? Well, you'll be slightly disappointed to learn that it's a Kane-esque double dropkick to the face while the opponent is groggy on their knees.
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WWE 2K16
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.