WWE 2K17: 10 Leading Contenders For A DLC Showcase

7. Here Comes The Pain

2K Games

Brock Lesnar is still the biggest star WWE have at their disposal, there's no getting away from that. Therefore, anything involving him in WWE's marquee video game is bound to see like hotcakes.

2K would be silly not to look at Brock if they're going for a singular downloadable showcase mode once again, right?

Needless to say this would be a bit of a history lesson for us Beastanites (is that what we're called?), starting with his initial run that culminating with that WWF Undisputed Championship win from The Rock at SummerSlam 2002 until his departure match against Goldberg at WrestleMania XX.

Or - depending on how long that turns out to be of course - we could have his more recent and sporadic returns detailed.

They've rarely failed to disappoint so would be great to play through.

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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.