WWE 2K18: 10 Best WCW CAWs

8. Raven

WWE 2K18 Raven
2K Games

Creator: ThePock1980

Downloads: 2,650

Other Raven CAWs go for his late-'90s look, but ThePock1980 favoured the hair he sported in both ECW the first time around and during the first year or so of his WCW run. The entrance attire in particular looks superb, right down to that plaid shirt Raven would tie around his waist. He's rocking the leather jacket and Marilyn Manson t-shirt too.

Community Creations regulars seem to love Raven. The suite is packed with a good 10-12 models you can download, ranging from his WWF debut (and subsequent switch to dreadlocks) to what he looks like now. A killer WCW version of the character had been missing up until now.

Big hair, don't care.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.