WWE 2K18: 10 Most Realistic TNA CAWs

3. Alberto El Patrón

WWE 2K18 Alberto El Patron
2K Games

Creator: R4zorballin

Downloads: 417

When WWE weren't putting him with Zeb Colter or in bogus factions like the League of Nations, Alberto Del Rio was an asset to the company. He grew tired of sitting around being overlooked however, and so he decided it was time to leave, spend some time in Mexico, then hitch his wagon to Impact Wrestling for a while instead.

Much like Bobby Lashley and EC3, there's another El Patrón CAW that's more popular. That's perplexing, because it actually looks next-to-nothing like him. Far too musclebound and lacking his dark, piercing eyes, that 'other' model is one to avoid if you want a close-to-perfect Del Rio experience in 2K18.

R4zorballin should get the nod for mastering Patrón's mix of wiry muscle and strong jawline. In terms of looking like the genuine article, this one is miles ahead of the competition.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.