WWE 2K18: 20 CAWs You Must Download Immediately

8. Jeff Hardy (Dshocker_Hardy)

WWE 2K18 Jeff Hardy
2K Games

It's not a stretch to imagine that the PS4 user Dshocker_Hardy is a fan of The Hardy Boyz. Whilst versions of Matt Hardy vary in quality (some of them are passable, but most look average), his brother Jeff gets better treatment. People really don't want to wait for that upcoming DLC from 2K.

This download of Jeff comes with a few different attires, but it's the green-sleeved outfit he occasionally still wears that stands out. Fans bitter that Hardy didn't do more as a WWE headliner before leaving the company in 2009 can live out their dreams when they download Dshocker_Hardy's creation.

For further enjoyment, download the 'No More Words' theme, make it Jeff's entrance music as a singles performer and take him back to the top of the WWE mountain.

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