WWE 2K18: 24 WTF CAWs You Need To See

7. Sexy Jesus

WWE 2K18
2K Games

Was Jesus Christ ever sexy? Maybe it's heretical to even ponder that, but we're not the ones who created a wrestler called 'Sexy Jesus' and uploaded it to the Community Creations suite. For those who find a Jesus decked out in robes to be a bit boring, there's this kinky creation. We can't believe it actually exists.

The character has a distinctly feminine walk when strolling to the ring and generally acts like he's Ashley Massaro, has just won the Diva Search and is about to model for Playboy. Sorry, that's perhaps not a mental image anyone of a religious persuasion wanted. Sincere apologies to the entire religious community, although we hasten to add it should be this creator from 2K18 who asks for forgiveness.

Sexy Jesus forgives all sins.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.