WWE 2K18: 24 WTF CAWs You Need To See

3. Kim Jong-un

WWE 2K18
2K Games

Finally, wrestling gamers will be able to recall the time North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un conquered the world of WWE and managed to overthrow Vince McMahon as the single most powerful man in professional wrestling. That is if they don't fancy also downloading his father, Kim Jong-il and playing as him too.

Whomever spent the time crafting this version of the WPK Chairman, we salute you. Now, Universe Mode can become a political shark tank, with Jong-un as the most controversial authority figure in WWE history. Move over, Eric Bischoff, you've been usurped.

Politicians in 2K18. Whatever will they think of next?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.