WWE 2K18: 24 WTF CAWs You Need To See

1. Pickle Ric Flair

WWE 2K18
2K Games

Straight away, it's obvious this creation is a joke aimed at the Rick and Morty fan base. When Rick Sanchez turned himself into a pickle during the 'Pickle Rick' episode, who could have fathomed WWE 2K18 would get a tribute character? Even more wacky is the fact it comes with a picture of Ric Flair pasted onto the head.

As funny as this is, there's another reason Pickle Ric Flair gets the top spot here. The alternate attire you can use has nothing to do with Flair, Rick and Morty or even pickles. Instead, it's simply a pretty damn good CAW of David Bowie.

If there's a link there and we've missed it, feel free to help us out. We can't for the life of us think what it might be. The show did use Bowie's 'Goodbye Moonmen' track during one episode, but that has little to do with pickles or the Nature Boy.


What other weird and wonderful WWE 2K18 CAWs have you stumbled upon? Share them with the world in the comments section below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.