WWE 2K18: 25 Most Downloaded CAWs

15. Sheamus (The Bar)

WWE 2K18 Sheamus
2K Games

Downloads: 9,590

Creator: jeb2830

Sheamus gets just a few more downloads than his tag-team partner, but not many. That surprises us, because who wants to download one tag outfit without grabbing the other at the same time? It's not like they're hard to find; Sheamus and Cesaro are right next to one another in the top 25 most downloaded CAWs in the Community Creations menu.

2K didn't get the Irishman's hair or facial hair right during development, and that's the only thing holding his character model back from being one of the best in the game. The shades and jacket created here somehow make up for that despite being made up by a random gamer, so this is essential when looking to make Sheamus realistic in 2K18.

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