WWE 2K18: 25 Most Downloaded CAWs

3. Roman Reigns (The Shield 2017)

WWE 2K18 The Shield Roman Reigns
2K Games

Downloads: 19,455

Creator: SketchPanic

Don't worry, The Shield love in is almost over. There's just one more CAW to get through, and it naturally belongs to the only Shield member WWE fans boo out of the building. This Roman Reigns is the ultimate version of his character in 2K18, provided you don't mind wrestling in The Shield's new t-shirt.

SketchPanic made up for their lazy work on Dean Ambrose (honestly, get rid of those jeans) with Reigns. He looks majestic in that shirt, and he even wears the same combat trousers/boots combination as his other models in the game. That might seem like a weird bonus, but we're seething about the jeans!

For a quick reskin, this is a good one. Oh, and the haters should pay attention to that 19,455 download count.

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