WWE 2K18 Trailer: 45 Screenshots You Need To See

29. Roman Reigns V Braun Strowman

WWE 2K18 Roman Reigns Braun Strowman
2K Games

Naturally, we also get a showcase of the Guy's rivalry with Braun Strowman - two figures WWE would love to push even more if they could - with their ambulance moment revisited in the carpark...

WWE 2K18 Reigns Strowman Ambulance
2K Games

There's also lots more traditional grapple shots too...

WWE 2K18 Reigns Strowman
2K Games

Some of which show off Roman's diverse range of emotions when he's getting beat up...

WWE 2K18 Roman Reigns Uppercut
2K Games
WWE 2K18 Reigns Strowman
2K Games
WWE 2K18 Reigns Strowman
2K Games

2K are clearly aware that people like to see Reigns getting beat up.

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