WWE 2K19: 10 Desired Wrestlers Who Won't Be In The Game

2. CM Punk

WWE 2K19 CM Punk
2K Games/WWE.com

Last Appearance: He wasn't exactly thrilled about it, but CM Punk was on the roster for WWE 2K15 a full 10 months after departing the company on bad terms in 2014. Since then, 2K have been forced to remove his likeness and fans have had to rely on CAW creations.

Why They Won't Be In 2K19: There's a chance CM Punk will never be back in WWE full stop, let alone on the cards for a rapid return to the group's video game series.

Recently, Punk (and Colt Cabana) won a lawsuit against WWE doctor Chris Amann that had been stretching back over three years. As WWE had previously shown support for Amann, it'd be a bit of change if they suddenly started courting Punk again.

That won't stop fans of the series from wishing he could be used as DLC, or perhaps even as an on-disc legend. Unless things change drastically over the next few years, there's next-to-no chance we'll see a fully-rendered CM Punk in 2K's franchise.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.