WWE 2K19: 10 Playable Wrestlers Who WON’T Return

5. Emma

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There may still be those in some parts of the world waiting for the debut of Emmalina.

In all seriousness, WWE's creative team killed Emma's momentum with that never-ending run of vignettes, followed by those soul-crushing reports that producers didn't think she could handle the role. That led to a nonsensical return as Emma and the termination of her contract in October 2017, a mere 12 days after WWE 2K18's release.

Emma, unabated, has moved on to pastures new and now works as Tenille Dashwood on the indy scene and in Ring Of Honor. The final stretch of her WWE career was miserable, and it's perhaps a slight surprise she was even included in 2K18, never mind this year's game.

Sometimes, WWE play havoc with 2K's schedule and release stars mid-development. That's not the case here. 2K have ample time to delete the file marked 'Emma' from their systems, and (just like the wrestler herself) move on.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.