WWE 2K19: 10 Potential Game Modes It Must Have

3. Kurt Angle's Comeback Mode

kurt angle wwe 2k18

The most straightforward plan for any Kurt Angle Mode would be to borrow from the Steve Austin career retrospective in 2K16 and use that mode as a template for the Olympian. That sounds fun, and yet there's the chance to expand the feature by allowing for player choice.

Angle's real-life WWE return has been spoiled by the mind-numbing Jason Jordan saga. When Kurt bounded back onto programming shortly after WrestleMania 33, everyone just wanted to see him lace up the boots for a few major matches again, not become Raw GM and pretend someone is his son.

In 2K19, we'd love to play God and change Kurt's comeback.

After playing through some of his biggest matches and moments, players would be given the opportunity to book Angle in a variety of scenarios against Triple H, The Undertaker, or any number of younger stars like Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan etc.

There's no reason why not; WWE games are fantasy.

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WWE 2K19
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.