WWE 2K19 Early Reviews: 7 Things We Learned

3. Career Mode Is A Vast Improvement

WWE 2K19 MyCareer
2K Games

IGN were lucky enough to get a little hands-on action with 2K19's MyCareer, and they reported that it's a vast improvement over the dull nonsense 2K have served up before. Yes indeedy, there are zombies, independent wrestling shows to work and all manner of weird, quirky things going on we can't wait to see and try out.

The story supposedly also zips along at a greater pace, and that should be music to everyone who has sighed at the mode in recent entries. Being five hours deep into MyCareer and realising it was going to be at least another 10 of grinding, playing generic matches and experiencing sparse storytelling was borderline depressing.

2K19's career, according to some sources, is a shot in the arm this feature badly, badly needed.

The indy scene is a nice touch, and so is the craziness of the story. More on that wacky vibe later, but for now just sleep soundly knowing 2K19's MyCareer is finally looking like a mode you'll want to play rather than one you'll dread.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.