WWE 2K19: Predicting All 152 Superstars Who Will Be Included

42. Chris Jericho

WWE 2K19 Chris Jericho
2K Games

This is one of the most interesting question marks. Will Chris Jericho be on the roster? If so, which version? We're calling a mix of modern-day and classic.

41. Christian

WWE 2K19 Christian
2K Games

WWE's doctors were the ones to call time on Christian's ring career, so the least the promotion can do is ensure 2K put him in the games.

40. Diamond Dallas Page

2K Games

As nice as it is to have for old-school hardcore fans, the DDP '92 character is hardly essential. Most prefer playing as his 1998 version, and for good reason.

39. Dusty Rhodes

WWE 2K19 Dusty Rhodes
2K Games

Polka dots, polka dots everywhere. In all seriousness, Dusty Rhodes is one of those Legends who will always be in the 2K series.

38. Eddie Guerrero

WWE 2K19 Eddie Guerrero
2K Games

Expect Eddie Guerrero to return as an on-disc character in 2K19. The days of using him as DLC (like in 2K17) should be very much over.

37. Edge

WWE 2K19 Edge
2K Games

2K can't include Christian and not put Edge on the roster too.

36. Goldberg

WWE 2K19 Goldberg
2K Games

After being a pre-order bonus in 2K17 and a Legend in 2K18, Goldberg will be back on the latter stable in 2K19. Deservedly so.

35. Goldust

WWE 2K19 Goldust
2K Games

Goldust should get some kind of award for maintaining his status as a member of the active roster in 2018.

34. Hulk Hogan

WWE 2K19 Hulk Hogan
2K Games

Maybe Hulk Hogan's return to the WWE Hall Of Fame came too late for 2K to put him in the new game out of the box. That shouldn't stop them from creating a fresh Hulk model and offering him as DLC.

33. Jake Roberts

WWE 2K19 Jake Roberts
2K Games

Truthfully, this fan just wants an excuse to use that killer entrance track for CAWs, but it's nice having Jake along for the ride too.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.