WWE 2K19 Towers Mode: Everything You Need To Know

2. AJ Styles Has His Own Ladder

WWE 2K19 Towers Mode AJ Styles
2K Games

Given he's the game's cover star, it's only right that AJ Styles has been handed his own specific Tower in 2K19.

Again, this will play a part in the promotional Million Dollar Challenge over the summer, but it'll be included in the mode generally as well. From the pics 2K have leaked when announcing Towers, we can see that Bobby Roode, Samoa Joe, Daniel Bryan and Karl Anderson are all part of his personalised challenge.

It's easy to think that AJ himself had a hand in this. He's a keen gamer away from the ring, and he'd want to do his good friends and best rivals a solid by making sure they're part of his own mode. Besides, some of the matches look like they'll be a ton of fun to play through (especially with the "No Recovery" option shown above).

That kind of thing provides a genuine challenge, one the 2K games haven't always had. Usually, the struggle comes when getting to grips with fiddly controls, not because of fun, unique handicaps that introduce as a mode rolls on. These are gameplay baby-steps, sure, but they're good ones from 2K.

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