WWE 2K20: 10 Best Looking Characters

2. Tommaso Ciampa

WWE 2K20
2K Games

For evidence of the difference lighting during entrances has on characters, compare and contrast Tommaso Ciampa here with the next entry to come. The NXT 'Blackheart' has a cartoonish vibe to him that's altogether appealing. This cel-shaded look would help him fit into other gaming franchises like Borderlands.

No arguments if such a crossover ever happens.

Ciampa's piercing glare, colourful attire (so well done that it makes browns and blacks leap off the screen) and graphical novel style raise an interesting point: 2K should honestly think about changing their general aesthetic to cel-shading. There are worse ideas.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.