WWE 2K20: 10 Most Under-Rated Roster Members

4. Natalya (76)

natalya lacey evans

Despite boasting a strong 83 rating in the last three WWE 2K games, Natalya's score was hit hard this year, dropping all the way down to 76, a point below even her lowest prior score in the 2K franchise.

Though Nattie is certainly a few rungs below the top-shelf talent on the women's roster, she's nevertheless a steely vet who has been nothing if not consistently solid throughout her career, and therefore deserves a stronger rating than the likes of Nikki Bella (81), Lacey Evans (82) and especially Zelina Vega (83).

It's tough to put a finger on exactly what prompted her rating to be dropped so violently for 2K20, and there's no justifying it.

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