WWE 2K20: 10 New Details You Need To Know

8. The Pre-Order Superstars

WWE 2K20 Chyna
2K Games

It was interesting to analyse the list of pre-ordered superstars 2K boasted in their press release. Chyna, who will make her first WWE video game appearance since SmackDown 2: Know Your Role in 2000, is undoubtedly the biggest carrot dangling in front of fan faces. She's been on wish lists for over a decade now.

Then, there's Hulk Hogan, a man who has recently been wheeled out as a nostalgia act and is working his way back into the good graces of wrestling hardcores everywhere. He's another who makes perfect sense as a pre-order bonus, if only because of the sheer weight of history his character brings with it; WWE games never feel complete when he's not on the roster.

Mankind and The Rock though? As The Hurricane might say, "What's up with that!?".

It's a bit random that Mick Foley's alter ego and Rock are being touted as pre-order bonuses when they've previously been used as Legends so many times in recent years. It's oddly annoying too, and suggests anyone who opts not to pre-order won't be able to play Rock vs. Austin out of the box.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.