WWE 2K20: 7 Things 2K's Patch Fixed (And 11 It Didn't)

3. Editing Bugs

WWE 2K20 Glitch
2K Games

These character-specific issues run rampant throughout 2K20. Just look at the mess Jeff Hardy's model is in above when gamers try to change his attire up.

His hair has lifted right off the skull, leaving him looking like an alien extra from Marilyn Manson's days as Omēga in Mechanical Animals. Issues crop up with his armbands in-game too. They flail around like The Ultimate Warrior's tassels rather than staying solid.

Also, Hardy's face paints can't be touched. 2K didn't make them part of the superstar editing process.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.