WWE 2K20: 8 Rumours You Need To Know

5. Chyna As The Pre-Order Bonus

WWE 2K20 Chyna
2K Games

Rumour: In the leaked document, claims were made that Chyna would play a major role in 2K20. First and foremost, she's being touted as a pre-order bonus for anyone who buys the game before it hits store shelves or is made available on demand for download. This would mark Chyna's first appearance in a WWE game since SmackDown 2: Know Your Role.

Chances Of It Being True: WWE's attitude towards Chyna's adult film work was previously frosty. It's doubtful they're happy with her past, but things have softened lately, and she was included in D-Generation X's Hall of Fame induction before WrestleMania 35.

If 2K are going for a female overload in 2K20 (more on that later), then we can see Chyna being part of proceedings. The fact she was mentioned at all by WWE at the HOF is encouraging, and it'd be nice to see her back in the on-disc line-up. Truthfully, as good as fan-made CAWs have been, the female Legends wing is empty without her.

Pre-order bonus DLC or otherwise, she needs to be in.

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