WWE 2K20 Early Wishlist: 10 Things Fans DEMAND

8. No Daily Download Limits

WWE 2K19 Community Creations
2K Games

There's probably a reason why 2K have imposed a limitation on daily downloads in Community Creations, but we can't for the life of us work out what it is. In 2K19, gamers are allowed 20 downloads per 24-hour window, and it sucks when digging in to see the volume of content available.

Having to pick between one more created arena or that sweet CAW you've had your eye on is rubbish.

If players want to fill up the 100 custom character slots the day of release, then they should have the freedom to do so. It makes little sense that 2K would force anyone to wait five days to do that. Why the need for patience? This is a video game, one that's supposed to be fun, not an exercise in restraint.

Come 2K20, it'd be nice to either see 2K remove the limits altogether or expand them so gamers can dive head first into the suite and pick up as much as they want. Maybe 20 downloads per section (superstars, arenas, shows, championships etc) would be better.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.