WWE 2K21: 10 Legends Who Must Be Included

2. Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan WWF Champ

It's almost the same story for Hulk Hogan.

2K kept the 'Hollywood' character model and deemed that enough for 'Hulkamaniacs' across the land when they really should've known better. Much like with Kane, most fans think of one definitive version of Hogan when he pops into their heads. They think of the yellow trunks, not the red and yellow tights.

It's incredible to think that 2K20 didn't come pre-packed with a traditional version of Hogan. Loading in his model from SmackDown: Shut Your Mouth, tweaking it slightly and calling it a day was never going to be enough here. Hulk is part of WWE furniture, and he's a substantial enough legend that he merits multiple character slots.

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