WWE 2K21: 10 Legends Who Must Be Included

9. JBL

JBL - WWE Champion

Hall Of Fame, yo.

That smug pr*ck JBL was conspicuous by his absence in both 2K19 and 2K20. Maybe 2K could've excused themselves because they wanted to use his slot for somebody else in those titles, but there are no such excuses this year when Layfield is being inducted into the WWE HOF.

He's one of the best heels in modern WWE history, and he should get one of those big fat video game royalty payments to complement his recent recognition. It'd be weird if 2K21 didn't have that limo entrance, the big cowboy hat, the winning smile or Eddie Guerrero putting him in his place.

Side note: Judgment Day 2004's arena would be a nice bonus.

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WWE 2K21
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.