WWE 2K21: 10 Legends Who Must Be Included

6. Sycho Sid

Sycho Sid WWE Champion

There's a humble joy that comes from watching Sid (Justice, Vicious or Sycho) paste hapless jobbers on YouTube. That same happiness can be found when playing as the intense muscleman in WWE video games, which only make it more depressing that Sycho Sid was posted missing from the 2K20 line up.

He's the 'Master & Ruler Of The World', for crying out loud. This won't do.

Sid should be in every wrestling game there is. Not only did he always look like the walking definition of a prototype megastar, but his Powerbomb is awesome and that entrance theme rocks. Provided it's not softball season, he needs to be in 2K21. Little inside joke there. JUST PUT HIM IN, 2K!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.