WWE 2K21: 10 Legends Who Must Be Included

4. British Bulldog

British Bulldog

The British Bulldog's going in, whether he wants to be or not.

Dismay must be written all over SummerSlam '92 kid's face whenever Davey Boy Smith is pulled from the roster in WWE games. He's not the only one though. It's always annoying when 2K include a legend and then randomly ditch them after a few years, and Bulldog fits into that category.

Smith missed a few games (2K14 and 2K15) before being brought back for 2K16. Then, he became a series stalwart again right up until 2K20 when the developers ousted him from the frame and decided that they needed the space for all those female characters in the female Showcase. Alicia Fox > Bulldog, apparently.

OK, that's a joke, but Davey Boy's Hall Of Fame status should get him back on the roster.

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WWE 2K21
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