WWE 2K22: 10 Best Looking Characters

10. The Rock

WWE 2K22 Alexa Bliss
2K Games

When gamers knock the visuals and character designs of WWE 2K20, one particular wrestler often brought up was the Rock. For whatever reason, the Great One looked noticeably abysmal on that last 2K release.

There's no case of history repeating itself where WWE 2K22 is concerned, with the Rock looking spectacular. The detail in the face of the ten-time World Champion is unbelievable, with every feature and crease of Dwayne Johnson clear for all to see.

Body-wise, the Rock looks as great as you'd expect, and the overall package of the People's Champion marks him out as a go-to option for those looking to boot up WWE 2K22 and lay the smacketh down on their jabroni pals. On that front, the audio and visual possibilities afforded by the PS5 and Xbox Series X make the Rock's entrance feel like a huge deal as he struts out onto the stage to greet the millions... and millions... of Rock fans.

In terms of choosing Rocky as your grappler of choice to kick ass with, it also helps that the one-time Flex Kavana has a 93 rating on WWE 2K22.

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