WWE 2K22: 10 Tips To Dominate MyGM Mode
What are the best keys to success as you battle for brand supremacy in MyGM Mode?

WWE 2K22 has been out for over a month now and MyGM Mode has been arguably the most fun addition to 2K Games and WWE's long-awaited release. Despite only being able to go up against a CPU rival, navigating your show to a ratings win and fan victory will always be fun to do.
Admittedly, winning brand warfare is not always the easiest accomplishment, especially through the maximum 50-week season. Thankfully MyGM Mode presents so many different twists and turns throughout each season, so there will always be different strategies to employ as you go along. Despite that, after several play throughs on Easy, Normal, and Hard, there are some surefire keys to success in MyGM Mode.
Whether it be building a solid foundation in the draft, maximizing your success week to week, or paying off your rivalries at pay-per-views for maximum effect, there are many moving parts in place all at the same time. This may mean that you might be looking for some help along the way. Not to worry, as this list contains ten of the most important pieces of advice in order lead your brand to success in MyGM Mode.
10. Draft Effectively

If you have every played any form of fantasy sports, the best part oftentimes is the draft. Spending time researching who the best players at each position are and creating a strategy is the highlight of many peoples season. The same can be true with MyGM Mode, as the prospect of drafting all your favorite superstars can be very exciting.
While strategies can vary depending on the available draft pool, there are a few methods to guarantee success for your brand right out of the gate. The first thing you will want to consider is who you want your top champions to be. Your inaugural title holders should be the biggest names available, and will always be at the top of the draft pool. After your first two picks, work your way down the list of available wrestlers, finding pairings that matchup well with your first two picks. This will ensure that the first rivalries you book will be a success.
The other important thing to consider is the size of your roster. MyGM allows for a minimum of eight wrestlers and a maximum of 15, with the middle ground of 12 being the perfect size. This allows you to have enough wrestlers to fill each weeks shows, with money left over to sign free agents and all the other resources available once the season starts. Additionally, while you might be excited about having a stacked roster, make sure to pick upper and lower card stars in order to maximize your budget.