WWE 2K22: 15 Brand New CAWs You Must Download Right Now

12. Nikkita Lyons

WWE 2K22 Edge
2K Games

Creator: LanaKick

Downloads: 39,652

Granted, LanaKick didn't get Nikkita Lyons' face spot on. Faces are often the trickiest part of any CAW package, so they get a pass for doing their best with it. Besides, it's hardly as though this Nikkita is nothing like the real deal whatsoever.

There's a generous amount of detail in all those ring attires too.

Lyons didn't make it into any of the DLC packs for 2K22 either, so this is really your best bet if you want to play as her in-game. If nothing else, it's nice to have some more NXT workers on the roster, especially on the female side of things.

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