WWE 2K22: 15 Brand New CAWs You Must Download Right Now

10. Daniel Garcia

WWE 2K22 Edge
2K Games

Creator: IconicCAWS

Downloads: 9,646

If you need a little more All Elite goodness, then why not download Daniel Garcia? If you plump for IconicsCAWS' version, then you'll get both his stripped down 'pro wrestler' look and the Jericho Appreciation Society-inspired 'sports entertainer' attire.

It's always nice when creators give players options and actually fill up those attire slots. That's what they're there for! Garcia comes with either trunks or trousers, and there's a neat black or white contrast to boot. Yep, an awful lot of thought went into this one before it was uploaded to Community Creations.

Get that download count up to 10,000. Go on, you know you want to.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.