WWE 2K22: 15 CAWs You Must Download Immediately

14. Bron Breakker

WWE 2K22 Bray Wyatt Fiend
2K Games

Creator: NWO-RULES316

Downloads: 0

The fact that NWO-RULES316's Bron Breakker hasn't been downloaded even once is rather sad. Put that right by checking out this snazzy version of the NXT 2.0 man. Sure, 2K will include Bron in an upcoming DLC pack, but this is a nice short-term fix before that happens.

Breakker's model has serious polish to it too, and he has some old-school Steiner attire that fans will appreciate. A lot of effort has gone into this one, and it deserves to be one of the first CAWs you check out when buying WWE 2K22.

Give the ex-NXT Champ some love.

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